• 🎄Annual Christmas Card Art Contest ðŸŽ„

  • The Merrill Area Chamber of Commerce is thinking Christmas already.  We are looking for an artist for our 13th Annual Christmas Card. The winning artist will have their artwork featured and printed on the 13th Annual Merrill Christmas Card and will be available for sale during the upcoming Christmas season.

    Entries must depict a Merrill Christmas scene – past or present. Contest entries are due by September 20th.  Each contestant may submit one entry using any of the following two-dimensional mediums:  acrylic, pen and ink, watercolor or oil.  Each entry should be 12” X 18” in overall dimension.  Judges will select one image which captures the essence and spirit of the Christmas season in Merrill.  The winner will receive a $150 Merrill Chamber gift certificate and have their artwork featured on the 2023 Christmas card and used in future promotions.

  • Mark Your Calendar

  • The submitted art becomes the property of the Merrill Area Chamber of Commerce and may be used in various promotional displays and/or re-framed for a permanent installation.

    This agreement shall permit the limited right to use, reproduce, resize, publicly display, distribute and transmit the Work during the full term of the contest and for future Chamber of Commerce exhibits or promotions and in  all media without payment of any royalty or license fee  in connection with the presentation, announcement and promotion of the Chamber of Commerce  Merrill Christmas Card art contest.

    Each contestant acknowledges that all physical copies of the Work submitted in connection with any entry shall remain the property of the Merrill Chamber of Commerce but that the copyright to the Work remains with the originating artist.  The Merrill Chamber of Commerce agrees to include in reproductions of the Work a reasonable copyright and credit, provided that the necessary copyright and credit information is provided to the Chamber of Commerce.